Project Costing and Expenditure Tracking

What is Bank Guarantee Workflow

  • Bank Guarantee workflow helps in automizing the time-consuming manual application process.

  • It extends right from the request stage to the issu- ance stage of Bank Guarantees.

  • It focuses on getting the relevant approvals de- pending on the policies set out by the organization.

  • It ensures that approval histories and documentations are stored in time for Audit purposes

  • It helps in creating a sophisticated test of control that helps in allocating the authority and responsibility be- tween the requestor, request analyst, treasury depart- ment and the approvers.

IBN's role in Bank Guarantee Flow

  • Verification of the application with the supporting documents provided.

  • Saving documents of every request to the server.
    Tracking guarantees and getting the flow completed at the earliest.

  • Issued guarantee verification and maintaining a record for the same.

  • Smart Tracker for reissue, amendments and intimating expiry of guarantees.

Online Manual Payment Workflow (Ompw)

What is OMPW

Online Manual Payment Workflow(Share- POint) have centralized the management of requests and eliminates the risk of critical transactions being impacted by em ails that gets missed or sent to the incorrect individu- al and implements approval matrix within the request flow successfully.

IBN's role in Bank Guarantee Flow

IBN plays a vital role in –
Verification of documents with invoices.
Initiating payments at banking
Follow-up with banks and treasury approvers for execution of payment.
Intimating the requestor regarding payment completion with remittance details.
Data cleaning activities.

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What Else Does IBN Offer This Client?

Similar to the Bank Workflow Guarantee Module and Online Manual Payment Workflow (SharePoint) module, IBN offers the following to this particular client as a part of its treasury management services.

  • Customer Credit Workflow

  • Global Credit card Process
  • Cash Sheet Process To Quantum AUTOMATION
  • A Treasury helpdesk

Accounting Support Offered By IBN In This Project

  • Quantum JE processing & daily reconciliation of these JE’s to make sure that entire activity has been accounted as per compliances.

  • Prepare and send out Mobile Charges to Operating Units, P-card Draft to Operating Units, Active Pay Breakouts, Check listing and image support.
  • Answer the queries of divisions in respect of above workings and processes.

  • Managing the US cash pool activities in Quantum, training and verifying the work done by cash management team, answering divisions with all their IHB and securitization related queries, reclassing the old unclaimed transactions, making sure that all the requests made by divisions are taken care.

  • Preparing various upload templates for quantum such as ACH templet, 401 K templet, HAS templet, Mobile charges templet, P-card templet, Active pay templet, United way templets and many more.

  • Working on preparing T accounting templates for various instruments which will act as an supporting module for various divisions. Weekly getting them verified by Client Finance Manager.

  • Assisting treasury team with Audits’ Queries.
    Managing the Securitization Report Dates & IHB Report Dates.

Accounting Support Offered By IBN In This Project

Processing JE's associated with below activities

  • Hedge Accounting

  • Bond Interest Accrual/Un used Fee JE

  • Revaluations JE

  • Additional Manual JE’s,

  • EUR paBa Bank Fees & FX

  • EURO Bond Accrual

  • True up JE and many more JE’s

Processing JE's associated with below activities

  • Hedge Accounting

  • AR Securitization

  • Cash

Preparing and Processing true up JEs to correct the variances found reconciliation

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